Den 14 Augusti 1977 så startade världens mest extrema rally utanför Covent Garden Opera House i London, 30.000km skulle avverkas innan målgång vid ett annat känt opera hus Sydney Opera House .
Totalt 69 ekipage kom till start och gav sig iväg på den strapatsrik resan, bilen som intreserar mig mest och som är orsaken till att ni kan läsa om rallyt just här är bil nummer 7.
Bil nummer 7 var nämligen en vackert Coca Cola sponsrad Mini Moke California, och frågan var skulle den orka hela vägen hem till där den en gång var född?
Men först lite bakgrunds historia om rally:
Första gången rally kördes var 1968, idén till rally tog form under en lunch i slutet av 1967, det rådde snodd på depression i Storbritannien orsaad av en kraftig devalvering av pundet.
Sir Max Aitken , ägare av Daily Express och två av hans närmaste män Jocelyn Stevens och Tommy Sopwith, bestämde sig för att skapa en händelse som deras tidning kunde sponsra och som skulle skapa rubriker och höja landets humör.
Rally skulle också fungera som en utställning för brittisk teknik och skulle öka exportförsäljningen i de länder som passerades i rally.
Vinnaren £10.000 Andrew Cowan i en Hillman Hunter
Andraplats £3.000 Paddy Hopkirk i en Austin 1800
Tredjeplats £2.000 Ian Vaughan i en Ford XT Falcon GT
Lucien Bianchi ledde inför sista etappen i en Citroen DS21 men råkade ut för en alvarlig olycka endast 15 mil från målgång.
Men nu till det betydligt intressantare året 1977
Så här fräsch ser man ut efter 3000 mil i en Mini Moke
Bilen kördes av dansken Hans Jeppe Tholstrup i par med Australiensaren John Crawford.
Det blev en händelserik resa för det dansk australienska teamet, efter otaliga mekaniska utmaningar så lyckade de ta sig i mål på en hedersam 35 plats.
Det viktigaste är ju inte att vinna utan att fullfölja och ”WE MADE IT”, och de blev åtminstone bäst placerad Mini, fullständig resultatlista från rallyt finner ni HÄR
Bilen finns idag på The National Motor Museum i Birdwood i Södra Australien
Hur tog de sig då från London till Sydney, jag har lånat texten nedan från Vilken fantasist
The Route Plan was for thirty days and nights of driving from London to Sydney the hard way…
Opera House to Opera House was Wylton Dickson’s idea. At the last minute, it was realised that getting the crowd barriers and ramp in front of the Covent Garden Opera House would be tricky, so, the start was moved back a few yards, around the corner and into the old vegetable market of Covent Garden. The back door of the Opera House was only just in view.
From here it was a straight run through South London, across Blackheath Common, and on to Sheerness, on the North Kent Coast, for a cramped cabin in an overnight ferry to Flushing, Holland.
Once on Continental soil, the route would now trek down miles of motorway picking up the cities that Singapore Airlines fly to. Time Controls at Amsterdam and Frankfurt before turning west, in the opposite direction of any logical route to India, for another control point in Paris. Here the offices of Singapore Airlines originally hoped to put on a breakfast and other festivities, but as we were all arriving so early in the morning, decided not to bother, there was just a hot-dog stall. The works teams like Cowan and Co, and Hopkirk, took off to nearby hotels. Others just sat around in the early morning sun.
After Paris, it was a motorway haul to Milan. The rumour mill had started – some wag mischievously suggesting he saw Hopkirk in a taxi, must have been going to the airport for the “first flight to Milan”, although it could have been nothing more innocent than going for breakfast in a hotel.
From Milan an 11 hour section down the coast of Yugoslavia took the rally to the first special stage. This first timed blat was a short haul in the hills above the present day Croatian holiday resort of Makarska. It was mostly rocky dirt, then tarmac. The special stage was included in the road section between time controls at Makarska and Cetinje, however, soon after ompleting the stage several crews realised that the distance in the route book appeared to be glaringly wrong. A bout of road-racing began as crews desparately tried to make the time to Cetinje located high above the Adriatic at the top of spectacular hill climb. It turned out that the special stage length had been left out of the overall distance to Cetinje. As it happened, it was a genuine mistake, rather than any attempt of a spot of Welsh road-rallying but became the subject of the first official protest to be lodged to the organisers…. the protest was rejected.
The route then went to Veria, Loutropigi in central Greece, and finally down to Athens, the first rest-stop. As John Stathatos sums up in his book, The Long Drive: “Athens was to be a major rest halt with a 11-hour layover. The first car would leave at 1.30am the next morning, which should have given all crews ample time to recuperate, after four days and nights of non-stop driving.” In fact, only the major works teams got the benefit, most of the rest were either playing catch up, so got far less sleep, or, were outside servicing the car. A total of 61 cars made it to the Athens Time Control.
From Athens the rally became more competitive, with a route that went via Thessaloniki to Istanbul, then Baypazari, Ankara, Kayseri, Malatya, Van, and Tehran.
From Van in Turkey, crews went via Tabriz to Tehran in Iran and on to Yazd, the start of 400 kilometres of flat out motoring across the Great Salt Desert to Tabas, then north-east to Fariman, just south of Mashad, and across Afghanistan to Herat, and Kandahar, to Kabul, the North West Passage, into Pakistan over the Khyber Pass to Rawalpindi, Lahore, Jullundar, Delhi, Jaipur, Ajmer, Udaipur, Ghodra, Baroda and Bombay.
After Bombay, the event curled south and east to Poona and Bangalore to Madras and the plan was then for a ship to take the event on to Malaysia. This was delayed two days. From Penang, the event took in a couple of stages in rubber plantations, via Taiping, Ipoh, Tanjong Malim, Port Dickson on the coast, and then from Muar across the bottom of Malaysia to Labis, Kluang, Jemaluang, Johor Bahru to Singapore.
A spot of tiger shooting of a different kind was now the top priority for Wylton Dickson and Jim Gavin. The boat wrangles sorted, along with the attempt to bring the London to Sydney to a full stop in Singapore also sorted, the event proceeded to Perth – late.
The Australian section ran from Perth north and north east to Youanmi via Cleary, then to Menzies, Laverton, Warburton, through the Petermann Ranges to Ayres Rock and Alice Springs. From here a long loop north ran to Mt. George, Hooker Creek and Rabbit Flat before returning to Alice, then south via Coober Pedy, and Port Augusta, through the Flinders Ranges to Hawker, Adelaide, Melbourne, Woods Point, Nariel, Canberra, Griffith, Menindee, White Cliffs, Kihee, Charleville, to Brisbane, and then inland, to Moree, Tamworth, Polkolbin and finally to Sydney.
Australia had been 13,200 kilometres in seven days and 16 hours…. if it were possible to drive 24 hours a day for the entire period it would required at a non stop average of over 72 kilometres an hour. Allowing for the few allocated re-group halts the required average speed was close to 90 kph.
What had been billed as 30,000 kilometres was actually longer, and the 30 days and nights became 45, mostly due to the vagaries of shipping, ports, and… payments by Wylton, who complained that he was constantly plagued by “leeches”.
Det var då för väl att Citroen inte vann detta med tanke på hur dom (FIA?) agerade i Monte Carlo rallyt sisådär tio år tidigare.
Men man kan ju tänka sig dom var sugna på att slå engelsmännen i deras tävling.
Det var väll inte ens tio år innan, detta var 68 och diskningen var väll 66??
Året Moken var med (77) så blev det dubbelt Mercedes i topp