Pressklipp från förr (Moke flyttar till Australien)

Fredag igen, så vi tar en tredje pressrelease, releasen nedan skickade BMC:s pressavdelning ut den 27 september 1968 och resulterade i drygt 5 dagars landssorg, sen efter detta datum så blev engelsk bilindustri sig aldrig lik.

De välkända strejkerna tog fart för att till slut knäckte hela bolaget och tragedin var ett faktum.


Moke Production moves to Australia

The Mini Moke, beloved vehicle of King’s Chelsea has gone out of production in Britain, a BLMC. representative said yesterday at Longbridge Birmingham.

The draughty, sideless, convertibly topless little car was despised by some and worshipped by others as the only contemporary thing on four wheels with a soul. At last few are being put together to meet outstanding orders.

BLMC. are shipping equipment to Australia, to resume production of the Moke at their factory which already produces the standard Mini there. The move does not represent gigantic upheaval of manufacturing plant, since the Moke with very simple bodywork.

What it does mean is that the cheap little “fun” car of two months ago will be off the market for a while. BLMC. say they will sell the Australian Moke in Britain, but are not prepared to forecast cost. The price of shipping a single car from Australia is rough £70.

The move is being made in an effort to step up production of the Moke for the world market, and particularly for Australia, where the climate is more in its favour
than here.

British response to the Moke must have been disappointing to its makers. although they say that they never intended it is a ”high volume type of vehicle ”. Original reception was promising with glossy magazines photographing it all over the place as a background to fashion and the perfect, zany transport for ”getting away, from it all”. But since it was launched in 1964 they have built only between 14,000 and 15,000 – a very small proportion of a total of 1,750,000 Minis of all types.

But there are some for whom Moke vehicles have become a way of life, especially since the Battersea firm of Runamoke last year took to organizing parties of Mokes, driven by their owners, to carry television people and their equipment around at golf tournaments.
©John Baker

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2 svar på Pressklipp från förr (Moke flyttar till Australien)

  1. Micke skriver:

    Skål ta daj Faen!

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