Fredag igen, så vi tar en pressrelease till, releasen nedan skickade BMC:s pressavdelning ut den 10 juni 1964.
The United States Army is carrying out trials with two British Motor Corporation vehicles derived from the
design of the mini-car, the BMC announced yesterday. One is the Mini-Moke and the other the Twin-Moke
a twin-engined version. Left-hand drive prototypes of each are undergoing study and evaluation by the United
States Army Tank Automotive Centre.
The single-engined Moke is a general, purpose vehicle, built by BMC for possible military use. Powered by an 850 cc engine mounted transversely and driving the front wheels, it is likely to go into production this year.
Originally fitted with two 850 c.c. Mini engines. the Twin-Moke is a four wheel drive version, first produced experimentally by Mr. Alet Issigonis, technical director of BMC and Mr. George Harriman the corporations chairman during the severe 1962-63 winter.
In January last year, at Longbridge, I drove the first double-engined Moke, which proved capable of astonishing performance and road holding in deep snow and mud. In its latest form the Twin-Moke is powered by two 1,100 cc. BMC engines, fitted transversely front and rear and driving each pair of wheels, with twin, linked gear levers. The open-bodied vehicle can carry four passengers or a heavy payload. No vehicle of this type have yet been sold to the United States Army, but BMC say that they are undergoing field tests”all kinds of extensive field tests”.
©John Baker
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